Potomac 356Owners Group

Welcome to the Potomac 356 Owners Group (POG) website.  We are a low-key organization of Porsche 356 owners and enthusiasts based in the greater Washington DC metro area, with members from DC, Northern Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, and Deleware.  There are no club officers.  We run the activities of the club (car shows, tech sessions, driving events) by Steering Committee.  We usually meet for brunch on the first Sunday of every even-numbered month (see the Events section for more details). To join POG, see details on the Member Services tab.

12th Night Luncheon

Saturday, January 11, 2025 12:00 - 3:00PM

Tuscarora Mill - Leesburg

http://www. tuskies.com

203 Harrison Street SE

Leesburg, VA 20175


details here

(see the Events page for a full schedule of upcoming events)